Here you'll find detailed information about the 2025 Commencement Ceremony at FRCC.

Graduation FAQs

Am I eligible to graduate?

Please meet with or call your academic advisor to confirm your eligibility. Please note that the team that plans graduation does not determine eligibility nor has access to your academic records.

Contact Your Advisor

How do I apply to graduate?

The Graduation Application is located on our graduation webpage or on the Graduation card in eWOLF

  • Complete a separate application for each degree or certificate you will earn.
  • On the Graduation card in eWOLF, follow the link to Degree Check to make sure you have met all of your program requirements.

If you have any questions, meet with your academic advisor.


Get Detailed Graduation Info

Will my name appear in the Commencement Program book?

The last day to add graduate names to the Commencement Program Book is March 01, 2025. If you have not met all of your graduation requirements by this date, you may still be eligible to graduate, but may not appear in the Grad Book.

Commencement Information

When and where will the commencement ceremony be held?

We will be holding two Commencement ceremonies for Spring 2025 Commencement:

Denver Coliseum
4600 N Humboldt St
Denver CO 80216

Saturday, May 10, 2025
10 am

Blue Arena
5290 Arena Circle
Loveland CO 80538

Tuesday, May 13, 2025
5 pm

More information to come.

Is there a cost for parking?

No. For the FRCC Commencement, complimentary parking is available for all guests at both Blue Arena and the Denver Coliseum.

When should graduates and guests arrive?

Denver Coliseum:

  • 8:30 am - Graduates should arrive on location
  • 9 am - Guests should arrive on location
  • 10 am - Procession, Name Reading begins (If you are late, you will be seated but your name may not be called)

Blue Arena

  • 3:30 pm - Graduates should arrive on location
  • 4 pm - Guests should arrive on location
  • 5 pm - Procession, Name Reading begins (If you are late, you will be seated but your name may not be called)

How many guests can I bring?

Each graduate is allowed to bring up to 5 guests to the commencement ceremony due to venue capacity. If you would like to bring additional guests, please indicate this when submitting your RSVP. We will do our best to accommodate additional guest requests based on availability.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at

The RSVP link will be available from March 1 - May 1, 2025.

Where do I purchase my cap and gown?

The FRCC bookstore is where the cap and gown set can be purchased. If you are an online or distance student, you can purchase your items on the Oak Hall Cap and Gown website.

FRCC BookstoreOak Hall Cap & Gown

What stoles, cords or pins am I allowed to wear with my gown?

Students may only wear regalia approved by the college during the commencement ceremony. Approved items are Academic Honors cords, PTK stoles, Honors College cords, TRIO stoles and veteran stoles, which will be handed out by College employees.

Can I decorate my cap?

Yes, get creative and have fun. We encourage you to apply your self-expression to your cap. When you finish, make sure you share a photo using the hashtag #FRCCGrad

When will my diploma arrive?

A printed diploma will arrive six (6) weeks after graduation.

A member of my party requires seating accommodations. Who should I contact?

Disability-related accommodations for the ceremony can be requested when you RSVP. Additional questions should be sent to Both commencement ceremony venues are ADA compliant.

Bag & security information for Blue Arena & Denver Coliseum

Blue Arena

There is no bag check or security for personal items but please leave your personal items with your guests or in your car.

Denver Coliseum

For your safety and the safety of others, guests and their possessions are subject to inspection prior to, and as a condition of, admittance. Please have your bags open and available for inspection. Intoxicated patrons may be denied admittance to the Venue. Coliseum Management reserves the final decision on items which may be brought into the Venue.

Guest Information

Ticket and Total Guests Allowed

While there are no tickets for this event, each graduate is allowed to bring up to 5 guests to the commencement ceremony due to venue capacity. If your graduate would like to bring additional guests, they can make a request when submitting their RSVP. We will do our best to accommodate additional guest requests based on availability. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at


The RSVP link will be available from March 1 - May 1, 2025.

Bags & backpacks policy

Please do not bring any backpacks, coolers or large bags to the events.

What is the event schedule?

Denver Coliseum

8:30 am Graduates arrive and check in
9 am Doors open for guests
10 am

Processional begins and name reading begins. 

Please note: if you are late, you will be seated, but your name may not be called.


Blue Arena

3:30 pm Graduates arrive and check in
4 pm Doors open for guests
5 pm

Processional begins and name reading begins. 

Please note: if you are late, you will be seated, but your name may not be called.


Please note: This schedule is subject to change. 


Drop-off and parking

You may arrive earlier if you wish, but please be sure to arrive no later than 8:50 am for the Denver Coliseum event or 4:50 pm at Blue Arena. Be sure to plan enough time to walk.

Additional Information

What if I can’t attend commencement the year I graduate?

If unable to walk during their graduation year, students and alumni are welcomed to walk in any future FRCC commencement ceremony. Please reach out to the college coordinators for arrangements.

Join the Alumni Network

What you have achieved is nothing short of remarkable. Your graduation from Front Range Community College is an accomplishment that surpasses circumstances, and we want to welcome you into the alumni family! Membership not only gets you access to numerous benefits but it also acknowledges that you are a part of a larger, global community that is here to support you in all of your next steps.

Become a Part of the Alumni Network

How can I celebrate my FRCC graduation on social media?

It’s time to celebrate! Share your Wolf Grad celebrations on social media with FRCC graduation snapchat or Instagram Stories stickers (search for Front Range Community College). Get in on the social media celebration with fellow Wolves Grads by tagging your posts and favorite memories from your time at FRCC with #FRCCGrad and #FRCCClassOf2025. Be sure to follow FRCC on Instagram, TikTok, Twitter and Facebook.


Commencement Questions?

Feel free to reach out with any graduation questions you may have.


Email Us