College Closures and Delays

Safety of Students, Faculty and Staff is our Highest Priority

Weather or emergencies may require FRCC administrators to delay or close individual campuses or the college periodically. We monitor the weather services and all emergency communications regarding the weather event, as conditions can change from one minute to the next. See how we decide on weather closures.

How to Obtain College Delay/Closure Information

Students, staff and faculty are encouraged to use the following resources to obtain delay/closure information.

  • Sign up for immediate email and text notifications. Simply login to eWOLF and look for emergency notification information.
  • Visit our home page. Delay/closure information will be posted there.
  • Check our posts on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter (X).
  • Consult Denver television and radio stations or their websites. Keep in mind that FRCC may be one of hundreds of schools and businesses to notify these media. We cannot guarantee the timeliness of their reports.

PLEASE NOTE: Some campus classes may meet remotely during a closure. Students should check MyCourses or contact their teachers for additional guidance or updates.

Delay/Closure Information by Campus

Mother Nature can be fickle in Colorado, and other emergencies, such as extended power losses, may only affect one campus location. Our messages will specify whether this is a campus closure/delay, a multi-campus closure/delay, or a college-wide closure/delay. See how to interpret delays.

How FRCC Makes a Decision to Close for Weather

The Front Range Community College service area covers literally thousands of square miles, with students traveling to our locations from the metro Denver area to southern Wyoming; from the mountains to the eastern plains of Colorado. As you know, the weather in our state can vary region to region, so we have to make decisions based on the weather conditions at our campus location(s). If the city or state issues travel restrictions due to blowing or drifting snow on the roadways or we cannot keep up with snow removal on campus, we will generally cancel classes. However, if the weather is bad in the mountains, for example, but not as bad at campus, we will not close.

Students have paid hard-earned money for their classes, and have an expectation that we can provide them the education they have paid for. So we have a responsibility to be open when we can be. Our students are generally adult students who can make their own determination about road conditions. We certainly do not expect students to risk their safety to get to class. Our faculty are generally very flexible with this kind of situation, and will work with students who encounter travel difficulties.

Our Protocols Differ from Local K-12 School Districts

Just because the K-12 district makes the decision to close, it does not mean the college will close. While a school district has to consider school bus travel through neighborhoods, small children who must wait for buses or parent carpools, and schools spread out over a huge geographical area, our college deals with a different student body (who typically drive or take public transportation) and fewer locations. If the roads are passable, and we are able to offer our classes, we will remain open.

How to Interpret Delayed Opening Information

When the decision is made to delay the opening of a campus, (Boulder County Campus 10 am start time, for example) the message means:

  • All classes with a start time before 10 am are canceled, with the exception of classes that would still have 45 minutes or more of scheduled class time remaining once the building opens. For example, a class that runs 9 am - 11:50 am would begin at 10 am on a day with a 10 am delayed opening. 
  • All classes with a start time of 10 am or later will run as scheduled. 
  • Staff with duties related to the delayed opening -- such as Facilities and Campus Security -- should report to work as assigned. Other staff should report 30 minutes before the campus is scheduled to open.

How to Interpret Early Closing Information

When the decision is made to close one or more campuses earlier than normal (All Campuses closing at 7 pm, for example), the message means:

  • All classes with a start time at or before 6 pm will run until 7 pm
  • Classes scheduled to end later than 7 pm will end early to comply with the closure.
  • All classes scheduled to begin within an hour of the closing time (any time after 6 pm in this example) are canceled.
  • Staff should leave when the campus closes.