Immigration Resources & Support

Front Range Community College values and respects all of our students. Because many of our students have questions about immigration matters affecting them, their families and other loved ones, we are providing this information.

Colorado Resources

Legal Resources

Crisis Counseling & Mental Health Services

The external links on this page have being provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only; they do not constitute an endorsement or an approval by FRCC of any of the services, information or opinions in those links. FRCC bears no responsibility for the accuracy, legality or content of the external site or for that of subsequent links. Contact the external site for answers to questions regarding its content. Anyone needing legal advice should contact an attorney to obtain advice for any issue or problem. Front Range Community College does not provide legal services or legal advice.

FAQs & Support

Would FRCC ever share immigration status with federal immigration officials?

In most cases, the Family Education Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA) protects education records. We would only share information about immigration status if an official produces a legal order (subpoena or search warrant) to seek information on a student. We review all legal orders with our attorney before sharing documents.

What if I'm a DACA student?

DACA is based on an order from former President Obama. It is a federal policy that applies to many young people who immigrated to the United States as children. It allows them to apply for a renewable, two-year period where the government would defer action on their immigration status. It also may provide them authorization to work. The Trump administration announced that they will rescind the order. You can see the formal announcement here. Under the order, there can be no new registrants for DACA, but current DACA recipients appear to have protection for the time remaining on their DACA award. If you are a recipient of DACA, consider contacting an immigration attorney now to determine your options. Additional information can be found at American Council on Education DACA Issue Brief.

What if I have or plan to apply for ASSET?

ASSET is a Colorado state law that allows some immigrant students to receive in-state tuition at Colorado public higher education institutions. It does not affect immigration status or lawful presence. ASSET cannot be rescinded by a president or federal administration. Visit the ASSET website for more information.

Do similar policies apply to international students?

DACA and ASSET students are not international students. International students have a student visa or intend to get a student visa to attend FRCC. Their main residence is outside the United States. FRCC welcomes students from around the world. For questions about international student issues, contact Students on F or J visas have largely waived their rights under FERPA through the visa process.

What does FRCC do to ensure that no student or family is discriminated against or harassed because of race, ethnicity, religion or national origin?

We believe deeply in diversity and inclusion. We don't tolerate discrimination or harassment. Our policies mandate no discrimination or harassment of students, families or employees based on race, ethnicity, religion, national origin or many other protected classes.

What should I do if I believe I am the victim of discrimination or harassment?

Complete the Harassment/Discrimination/Retaliation Form. FRCC will take necessary action.

What can I do to better understand my immigration rights?

Consult an immigration attorney. For your own protection, do not seek advice from anyone except licensed immigration attorneys. You can find an immigration attorney from the American Immigration Lawyers Association in English or Spanish.