Our learning strategies tutors and peer mentors serve as academic resources, helping you stay motivated and helping you learn research-based study strategies.  Learning strategies tutors are part-time staff members who also tutor in other courses. Peer mentors are current or recent students who have been successful at FRCC and want to help you succeed too.

Both learning strategies tutors and peer mentors are guides, academic coaches and helpers for new and continuing FRCC students. They:

  • Provide encouragement and support through personal and academic challenges.
  • Help students set goals, manage their time, and stay organized.
  • Assist students with understanding college expectations, navigating technology like MyCourses, connecting with campus resources, and developing effective college learning skills. 
  • Share their strategies for success with academic skills like reading college textbooks, taking notes and doing well on exams. 

You can schedule a few sessions with a tutor or mentor to focus on particular topics of your choice or choose to meet with them throughout the semester.  To get connected with a learning strategies tutor contact the Academic Success Center at 970-204-8112 or drop by our office at Mount Antero 350.

Meet our Learning Strategy Tutors & Peer Mentors!

Bek Martin (she/her)

Peer Mentor

Educational goals

Finish a bachelor's degree in psychology and then continue to law school 

Career & Academic Community

Social Sciences, Education & Public Service

Psychology, ethics, literature, English

College Success Strategy

Finding what works to keep yourself on track and reach your goals takes some trial and error.  Don't give up; try new ways to manage your time and keep organized until something clicks! 

Jared Kinard (he/him)

Peer Mentor

Educational Goals

Complete my computer science degree

Career & Academic Community

Business and Information Technology

College Success Strategy

Doing school work at home is difficult since I get so distracted. Staying on campus or going to the library after class to work on assignments is a must for me!

Shirley Smithson (she/her)

Learning Strategies Tutor (Remote Only)

Academic Background

Doctor of Education, Masters in Special Education: Diverse Learning Needs and Abilities, Bachelor's degree in Sociology with a minor in English Literature

Academic Areas

Study Skills/Learning Strategies, Stress Reduction, Navigating course material on MyCourses, Organization/Time Management, Managing academic anxiety.

Ryan Welker (he/him)

Peer Mentor

Educational Goals
Graduate with a Bachelor of Science

Career & Academic Community
Math and Science

Coursework Taken
Math, science

College Success Strategy
Get eight hours of sleep a night.