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Office of Data Science & Institutional Research
Database Developer / Analyst
Junior Developer / Analyst
Junior Developer / Analyst
Get to know Front Range Community College by the numbers. Here you can check out all of our research, survey results and other data to get a clear understanding of who we are.
2022-2023 At a Glance
Learn about our students, programs and campuses, all in one place, and learn why we're #1 in number of community college students in Colorado.
PDF version to print - slide show
Fall 2023 Fast Facts
Get an overview of data from our fall 2023 semester.
Student Outcomes
Explore enrollment trends, including totals by major and student demographics, at FRCC with this collection of detailed PDFs.
Common Data Set
Compare yearly data on male, female, full- and part-time enrollment, and degrees and certificates awarded.
About Data Science & Institutional Research
Meet our Data Science & Institutional Research department—responsible for taking surveys, analyzing data, and helping us improve year after
FTE, Enrollments & Headcount Explained
If you've ever been confused with the calculations of FTE, enrollments and/or headcount, watch this quick video to see it in action.
Office of Data Science & Institutional Research
Database Developer / Analyst
Junior Developer / Analyst
Junior Developer / Analyst